It still needs another couple coats, I think, but you get the idea. It is just Mod Podge with some extra fine glitter I had mixed in. The N is cardboard and I got it at Joann's for like $2.
We started the Summer Fun jar this week. Clara has been SO excited for it. Every day we draw a slip of paper out and do what it says.
Today's task was...TREASURE HUNT! The kids love treasure hunts. Typically I will draw a map that they follow, but today I wrote ten clues, each clue leading to the next, and then an X marks the spot at the last clue. The treasure? Mango gummies from Trader Joe's. :)
I realize it's technically still spring, but we are done with all scheduled activities and so we've declared it Summer.
I am almost done with the 1950s pinafore for Ruthie. I just have to hem it. It was quite the project. Let's just say that pattern instructions have really changed since then. I had no idea what it was talking about, so I just did my own thing. That will be in a post to come. Happy Wednesday-feels-like-Thursday to you all.
Very cool "N" Kristy! Fun summer ideas jar, too! I love planned spontaneity. If you ever pick "popsicle party" as one of your ideas, I know a little girl who will want to join you:)