This sweet little thing turned one today. SIGH. It is so bittersweet when it's your last baby. She is is the apple of my eye.

And speaking of apples (like my segue), holy cats do we have a lot. Three pecks of apples. If you know how much a peck is, you are impressed right now. This picture is no where near all of them.
We are making a dent in them.
I made apple butter. mmm yum.
This will go out as gifts to random people and my kids will probably devour the rest. Seriously, it's like kid crack.
Also I made a French apple pie. (Can you tell I was in a take-pictures-of-my-food mood today?)
Calling it "French" means it has crumbs instead of a top crust. oooh lala.
In between these appley, kitcheny things, the kids made some Fall crafts. Here we have glitter leaves as dining room decor.
These were so easy and the kids absolutely adored the glitter (probably because it is banned in my house! We made these in the backyard.). Just find a nice, non-crispy leaf, trace it with a pencil, then put glue over the outline and sprinkle away. So easy and they are so proud!
We also made apple paint prints, but I didn't get a picture of them because I was boiling the apple butter and a girl can only do so much at one time.
Even though it has been in the 80s all week (which you might say is strange for October, but I remember it being in the 90s last year when we brought Ruthie home), I have started the kids' winter gear. First is a hat for Clara. It's the aviatrix hat.
I was reading past projects and everyone said that it knit up larger than expected, so I sized down my needle, but of course it looks too small. Figures.
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